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Responders start cutting Section Eight, the stern of the Golden Ray

BRUNSWICK, Ga. - Responders commenced cutting operations to separate Section Eight, the stern of the Golden Ray wreck, Friday. Pollution monitoring and mitigation teams are on station at the Environmental Protection Barrier (EPB).

“We are confident that the time invested to implement modifications to the cutting apparatus as well as perform critical maintenance to the wreck removal equipment will contribute to a safe and efficient cutting operation.” said Incident Commander Chris Graff of Gallagher Marine Systems, “We are ready to mitigate expected debris and other potential threats. The operation may be loud at times and please respect the safety zones around the wreck site.”

Responders prepare the cutting chain for detachment from the topside of the Golden Ray wreck and subsequent rigging to the cutting apparatus. St. Simons Sound Incident response video.

A responder sets a pin to attach a pulley to a block as a part of the cutting apparatus used to separate the Golden Ray wreck into sections. St. Simons Sound Incident response photo.

Responders attach the anchor chain to a pad eye on the deck of the VB-10000 during operations to rig the cutting apparatus. St. Simons Sound Incident response photo.

A responder cuts through a link to prepare the cutting chain for tensioning. The length of the cutting chain is adjusted prior to and throughout a cutting operation to maintain a constant upward force as the chain slowly moves along the cut groove. St. Simons Sound Incident response photo.

The 150-yard safety zone around the EPB is increased to 200 yards for recreational vessels. The UC advises mariners to please steer clear of the perimeter. Any unauthorized usage of drones (unmanned aerial vehicles) around the wreck site is prohibited. Responders will report any sightings of drones and drone operators to local authorities.

The St. Simons Sound Incident Unified Command is the official source of information for the motor vessel Golden Ray response operations.

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