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Unified Command for St. Simons Sound Incident Response to host open house Thursday

WHO: St. Simons Sound Incident Response Unified Command

WHAT: Meet-and-greet subject matter experts on wreck removal, milestones, construction of environmental protection barrier, Georgia Department of Natural Resources, community impacts and safety concerns

WHERE: Brunswick-Glynn County Library, 208 Gloucester St., Brunswick, GA 31520

WHY: To provide additional information and address inquiries from interested community members

WHEN: 4-7 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 13, 2020

The St. Simons Sound Incident Response Unified Command will host an open house Thursday from 4-7 p.m. at Brunswick-Glynn County Library for interested community members and maritime partners.

Visitors are invited to review materials and imagery provided at various display booths, as well as to speak with subject matter experts on wreck removal, project milestones, construction of the environmental protection barrier, Georgia Department of Natural Resources, community impacts and safety concerns.

To gain familiarization with response efforts before the open house, visit .




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